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Writer's picturethrivetaipei

Thrive English 留學申請榜單!

Hello歡迎你來! 以下是我們歷年來幫助學生申請上的海外大學跟研究所:

  1. 美國大學和研究所: University of Pennsylvania Columbia University UC Berkeley UCLA UC San Diego UC Irvine UT Dallas Brandeis University University Of Rochester Boston University University of San Diego University of Maryland Clemson University Virginia Polytechnic Institute and state University

  2. 英國大學和研究所: University of Glasgow University of Bath University of Sheffield University of Lancaster

  3. 澳洲大學和研究所: University of Sydney

  4. 香港大學和研究所: Hong Kong University Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  5. 新加坡: Singapore Management University


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